Sustainability > Brambles Wellbeing Program
Brambles believes that the wellbeing of its people is paramount and is committed to working with employees to promote healthy life choices through education and awareness.
In August 2010, Brambles began a Wellbeing program to help employees and their families to seek out healthy activities and lifestyles by providing them information on health and wellbeing issues that go beyond the work place.
Each month Brambles focused on topics ranging from specific diseases like diabetes and melanoma, promoting fitness and ways to exercise and strategies on how to deal with illness and grief.
This information is provided in a general newsletter that is then supplemented by the business units through additional information, seminars and events.
For example, CHEP Asia-Pacific held a series of seminars and toolbox talks were held on health and welling topics and health checks for employees where offered across the region, while at service centres pre-shift warm-up and warm-down exercises are being rolled out or refreshed, depending on the site.
In CHEP EMEA, wellbeing presentations have been broadcasted through its Zero Harm TV network and made accessible through the intranet and health checks were also offered across the region, while country specific projects and initiatives included topic specific awareness days, dancing session, healty choice options in canteens, the encouragement of bicycle use and subsidised gym memberships. In FY12, CHEP EMEA will be introducing Wellbeing co-ordinators to encourage further participation.
The year’s program culminated in a Wellbeing Week in June, where events were held through the Group. For example, CHEP USA held a Wellbeing Week that focused on nutrition, sun awareness and the benefits of exercising.
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